Heading through OH to PA today. Owen and Willa are in the third row. Indiana is a smattering of cornfields and other crops, outlined by dense woods. We're having a little trouble adjusting to the time change so we left a little later than we planned...but we didn't' get to bed until 1:30 a.m. so I guess that's the way it goes. We're planning a small detour through Amish country in western PA, but not much more today-seems the route we planned isn't very exciting....
11:13 a.m. Welcome to Ohio! "So much to discover!" Partly Sunny 76*
So much to discover? "Like what's the speed limit, " quips Matt. We've been playing a rousing game of Apples to Apples which is actually pretty hilarious.
12:35 p.m. Subway at Springfield, OH Sunny 78*
Owen is bored and growling, though I am pleased the dog is not.
1:13 p.m. Passing through Columbus, OH after a quick lunch at Subway.
1:45 p.m. Have to stop again because Ben needs to "go" and Owen feels sick in the 3rd row. So we get off the road and rearrange the car so Owen can sit in the middle row with Ben.
2:05 p.m. Back on the road again.
3:00 p.m. Sun and Clouds 81*
Kids are arguing about what video to watch. Everyone is feeling a little tired and crabby. We passed a truck driver with a funny face mask on (the kind with the glasses, nose and moustache). Normally I would think it was bizarre...okay, I still do...but it was just what we needed to diffuse the negative energy in the car and get us in the right mindset. Thank you Mr. Bizarre Truck Driver!! Almost going to switch from I-71 to I-76 towards Akron.
4:20 p.m. Welcome to Pennsylvania! Sunny with big, puffy clouds, 81* and not so humid.
I am really stiff today and starting to fantasize about taking a jog, which, if you know me at all, means I am really in dire straits. We're heading to Volant for a small detour through Amish country. Everyone is hungry, so we will probably have dinner there too. We still have 200 miles to go--the thought exhausts me.
5:05 Volant, PA
Okay, I know that these next pictures are totally disgusting...but I had a special request for images of some of the hundreds of poor animals we've seen dead along the road. Along with the usual deer and raccoons, there are also many dead rabbits and groundhogs in Pennsylvania(Punxsutawney isn't that far away, after all!).
Voltant is a picturesque village nestled in the rolling hills of rural Pennsylvania. Populated by several Amish families, we saw some, but elected not to take pictures out of respect.

We unfortunately arrived after closing time for many of the cute little shops, but we did manage to squeeze in a little wine tasting of some locally grown and fermented wines...that were not half bad.

We took a side road following a sign advertising fresh, local strawberries (you know I'm a sucker for things like that). Again, we were too late for the berries, but I captured these lovely photos of the countryside instead.

We unfortunately arrived after closing time for many of the cute little shops, but we did manage to squeeze in a little wine tasting of some locally grown and fermented wines...that were not half bad.
We took a side road following a sign advertising fresh, local strawberries (you know I'm a sucker for things like that). Again, we were too late for the berries, but I captured these lovely photos of the countryside instead.
Finally we ate dinner at Rachel's Roadhouse. This bar and grill was in the middle of nowhere, but hugely popular. The interior was very nice and the food was adequate. I couldn't believe the crowd. Where did all these people come from? I'm afraid my children will go through french-fry withdrawal when we get to the reality of mom's cooking.
Favorite PA sign: Buckle up next million miles.
8:30 Still Sunny, 67* Rest stop somewhere in PA
PA has beautiful rest stops with lots of grass and landscaping and, most importantly, clean restrooms. The Frisbee the kids got with their meal at Dyers in Texas have been a godsend.
PA is so beautiful I can hardly stand it--lush forests, farms dotting rolling hillsides and winding rivers...
10:00 p.m. Arrival in Danville, PA
Days Inn had no more "pet rooms" so fortunately we went across the street to the Super 8, which has been totally remodeled and is very posh and comfy. We are so looking forward to arriving in Cape Cod, sometime around 5 in the afternoon tomorrow. Only 400 miles to go.
Oh my poor tired sister. Your writing is getting tired too. No offense!! :) I'm sooo happy that you're doing this though. We get to live vicariously through all the trials and tribulations of driving cross country. Some day, I will do the same. Love and miss you. Linz
Bravo!! You are all most there! I have loved reading about your journey! The kids seem to be doing well :>)
Charlotte.....is in a self imposed seclusion.....and will appear in a few days I am sure!
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